How to blog for money is a question that every one asking it wants to know the answer. It is one of those things that just seems too good to be true and yet it does work. Blogging as a way to make money can be tracked back to as early as 2006 when companies were beginning to realize just how useful blogs could be for marketing their products online. The whole concept of how to blog for money was born out of this need and has come a long way since then.

To begin a blog quickly just: look for those boxes marked “Get a Blog”. Follow the simple steps. Click on the link to jump straight to the third step. Bluehost is the most popular blog host at the moment (and probably will be in the future) so this should not pose any problem.

If you are looking to make money through your blog then you might want to take advantage of the many free features on Bluehost. For example there are all sorts of free plugins available, especially if you are already using WordPress, and you can easily install these on your blog. For instance, to make your blog easier to manage you can install the Yoast SEO plugin which helps you to optimize your site for Google, Yahoo, Bing and so on… with very little effort on your part. This will also save you a lot of time, if you were having to figure everything out manually. Once you have installed all the WordPress plugins, as well as the bluehost theme (which I highly recommend) you are ready to make a profit with your blog.